Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of the musculoskeletal disorders of various origins, specialization in musculoskeletal disorders.
- neck pain, headache, migraines
- lower back pain, discopathy
- scoliosis, poor posture
- foot care, heel pain, Achilles tendon problems, hallux valgus (bunion), flat foot
- tendinitis, tennis elbow, groin pain
- joint pain, arthritis, frozen shoulders
- muscle imbalance, injuries, muscle weakness
- pregnancy/postpartum problems, pelvic floor
- sport or work related problems (long-term sitting, stress, unilateral overloading)
- postoperative physical therapy, scar care, mobility restoration
- sport injuries, joint pain
- carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica
Therapy is performed on the basis of functional diagnostics of the locomotive system using the principles of clinical neurophysiology, functional anatomy, and developmental kinesiology. It is thoroughly assembled by a combination of various physical therapy procedures according to my long experience and individual patient needs.complete kinesiological examination (movement stereotype analysis)
- massage techniques, reflex massage, deep friction massage, port isometric muscle relaxation
- heat therapy (infrared light, lava hot stones)
- soft tissue techniques (PIR)
- joint mobilization and manipulation (including self therapy instruction)
- individual therapeutic exercise (stretching, strengthening, relaxation, stabilization)
- training of the overload compensation techniques (sport or work related)
- training of proper basic movement stereotypes (correct sitting, walking, running)
- ergonomics
- neurophysiological basis techniques
- therapeutic exercise with equipment (theraband, boss, roles, balance therapy ball)
- neuromuscular techniques
- Electrotherapy (diadynamics, TENS, Trabert, interference, combination therapy etc)
- Ultrasound therapy (continuous, pulse)
- Biotronic lamp therapy (Zepter)
- Light therapy (SAD)
- Kinesiotaping
- You can start therapy immediately with no doctor referral.
- I don’t accept health insurance.
- Patient pays for each therapy at the clinic by cash or credit card, eventually via bank transfer if mutually agreed.
- The appointment time is set up by mutual agreement.
- One administrative transaction and one phone consultation is complimentary.
- Therapy can be held either in Czech or English language
- My clinic is well equipped, quiet, easily accessible by public bus (number 180 stop Brevnovska) or by car (bus stop or parking near entrance)
- House or workplace calls or weekend therapy are available by mutual agreement and for an additional fee.
- Emergency appointments are available only by mutual agreement and for an additional fee.
- Available to make emergency appointments as needed within 24 hours from Monday till Friday from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm by mutual agreement only.
- Cancellation policy: the fee will be paid in full for missed appointments. No charge if you call with at least 24 hours notice. Being late for appointments may result in a shortened session with the full fee due.
- Regular therapy price at the clinic (1 hour session) is 1500 CZK. Payments in cash or by card.
- Therapy discount only upon mutual agreement.
- I am a Benefit (www.benefity.cz) and Benefit plus (www.benefit-plus.eu) program partner
- Gift certificates available to order at zu.stevenson@gmail.com